Types of Prize Bonds in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are several types of prize bonds available to the public, each with its own denomination and prize structure. Here is the complete prize bonds list:

Regular Prize Bonds:

  1. 100 Prize Bond
  2. 200 Prize Bond
  3. 750 Prize Bond
  4. 1,500 Prize Bond

Premium Prize Bonds:

  • 40,000 Premium Prize Bond (Registered)
  • 25,000 Premium Prize Bond (Registered)

Regular prize bonds are available in smaller denominations, such as Rs. 100, Rs. 200, Rs. 750, and Rs. 1,500, while premium prize bonds are offered in higher denominations, such as Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 40,000.

Both regular and premium prize bonds offer the opportunity to win cash prizes through regular draws conducted by the government. The prize structure for each bond type varies, with different prize amounts for different bond numbers drawn in each draw.

It’s important to note that all prize bonds in Pakistan are government-backed and considered a secure investment option, making them popular among a wide range of investors seeking a chance to win cash prizes without risking their principal amount.

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